“Be softer with you.
You are a breathing thing.
A memory to someone, a home to a life."
Biographical counseling and group work is an active practice of developing self knowledge. It is an invitation to understand the growth process of the unfolding human being in body, mind and spirit. It brings tangible awareness to the laws and rhythms of life not only across the physical lifespan but also from a broader cosmological perspective. It is a quest for meaning that builds greater personal and social understanding and creates a genuine interest in fellow human beings. At the heart of this work is discovering that life is a continuous process of metamorphosis, out of which meaning may be found and trust in existence may arise.
~Nayyirah Waheed

Growth just needs
our engagement.
Biography Group Work
Biographical Counseling is client and practitioner working one to one and can be done in person or online. During our sessions we explore the tapestry of your life’s stories through conversation, artistic biographical exercises and illuminating the evolution of your unique life from birth to the present moment. This shines new light on past events and brings insight to the emerging future…
Biographical Counseling
Biography work comes alive within a group. It can be used in a multitude of situations: in organizations, workshops and a compliment to retreats to name only a few. Sessions include biography exercises, artwork, conversation, understanding cycles and themes within a lifetime, short talks and group exercises…

Creative Arts Therapist, Biographical Practitioner, Waldorf Teacher, Massage Therapist, Artist and Midwife of the Creative.
My interest in human development, the inner life and creativity has truly been a lifelong exploration…
General Inquiries
Take a peek at other offerings by Kim:
Kapaa, Hi. 96746
(808) 346-5967